The Man He Killed (Hardy) - teaching resource
The Man He Killed
The Man He Killed is an English/English Literature teaching resource made up of a 39-slide PowerPoint-based lesson and 6 worksheets. The resource covers a range of lessons and activities ideal for studying and teaching the poem at GCSE. The Man He Killed contains a range of detailed and stimulating lessons and activities for students of all abilities, including:
-A brief biography of Thomas Hardy
-The historical and social context of The Man He Killed - The Boer War conflict
-An introduction to the poem with consolidation notes
-A clean copy of 'The Man He Killed' for annotation
-Understanding and comprehension tasks
-Thomas Hardy's use of language and imagery in The Man He Killed
-Structure and poetic techniques in the poem
-The theme and message of The Man He Killed
-Links to related Thomas Hardy and Boer War resources and websites
-39-slide PowerPoint analysis of Hardy's The Man He Killed
-6 worksheets to accompany the PowerPoint resource
To preview The Man He Killed (Thomas Hardy) please click on the PowerPoint images.
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