Macbeth - Edexcel GCSE Extract Question - teaching resource

Macbeth - Edexcel GCSE Extract Question Teaching Resources

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Macbeth - The GCSE Edexcel Extract Question 

(45-slide PowerPoint presentation with 9 worksheets)

This PowerPoint-based teaching resource offers a detailed, step by step guide to the Edexcel / Pearson GCSE English Literature examination extract question on Macbeth.  The resource works through a demonstration of how to analyse an extract, before asking students to apply their learning in a range of individual and paired activities. Visual images are used to extend the range of ways students can engage with an extract as well as a number of active learning methods to secure learning and aid easier recall on future tasks. The lessons and activities within this resource are engaging, well-paced and fully differentiated.

To preview Macbeth – The Extract Question in detail please click on the images from the PowerPoint presentation.

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