GCSE Poetry
Browse our GCSE poetry materials for all the main syllabuses and exam boards.
77 teaching resources
1st Date - She and 1st Date - He
1st Date - She and 1st Date – He by Wendy Cope teaching resource 35...
A Child to his Sick Grandfather
Edexcel GCSE English Teaching Resources: A Child to his Sick Grandfather by Joanna Baillie ...
A Complaint by William Wordsworth
A Complaint by William Wordsworth Edexcel GCSE English Literature Teaching Resources: A Complaint is...
A Wife in London
A Wife in London teaching resources (PowerPoint and worksheets) A Wife in London (48-slide editable...
GCSE English Teaching Resources: Afternoons by Philip Larkin (PowerPoint and worksheets) Afternoons by Philip Larkin...
AQA GCSE English Anthology - Love and Relationships Poetry
AQA GCSE English Anthology – Love and Relationships This bundle of resources covers all 15...
AQA GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry
AQA GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry 'AQA GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry' is a 75...
AQA GCSE Poetry Anthology Power and Conflict Pack
AQA GCSE Poetry Anthology - Power and Conflict Pack This bundle contains 15 resources to...
As Imperceptibly as Grief
As Imperceptibly as Grief by Emily Dickinson (PowerPoint and worksheets) As Imperceptibly as Grief by...
Bayonet Charge
Bayonet Charge - AQA GCSE Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology This two-lesson mini-unit covers Ted...
Before You Were Mine
Before You Were Mine by Carol Ann Duffy This engaging GCSE teaching resource explores Carol...
Belfast Confetti
Belfast Confetti teaching resource for GCSE (46-slide PowerPoint and 5 worksheets) This teaching resource is...
Checking Out Me History
Checking Out Me History - AQA GCSE Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology This two-lesson unit...
Climbing My Grandfather
Climbing My Grandfather This two-lesson mini-unit covers Andrew Waterhouse’s ‘Climbing My Grandfather’ in detail. Designed...
Comparing Dulce et Decorum Est and The Charge of the Light Brigade
Comparing Dulce et Decorum Est and The Charge of the Light Brigade (93-slide PowerPoint and...
Cousin Kate by Christina Rossetti
English Teaching Resources – Cousin Kate by Christina Rossetti KS4/GCSE > Poetry Cousin Kate...
Cozy Apologia
Cozy Apologia Teaching Resources Cozy Apologia by Rita Dove (40-slide editable PowerPoint with 3 worksheets)...
Death of a Naturalist
Death of a Naturalist - GCSE WJEC Eduqas Poetry Anthology This two-lesson mini-unit covers Seamus...
Dulce et Decorum Est
Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen Our Dulce et Decorum Est teaching resource is made...
Eden Rock
Eden Rock This two-lesson mini-unit explores Charles Causley's Eden Rock in detail. Designed for GCSE...
Edexcel GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry
Edexcel GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry 'Edexcel GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry' is perfect for...
Edexcel GCSE Poetry Anthology Relationships
Edexcel GCSE Poetry Anthology Relationships (GCSE) This bundle contains 15 resources to help you teach...
Eduqas GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry
Eduqas GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry 'Eduqas GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry' is a 103-slide...
Excerpt from The Prelude - In the Frosty Season
Excerpt from The Prelude - In the Frosty Season - GCSE WJEC Eduqas Poetry Anthology ...
Exposure - AQA GCSE Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology This two-lesson mini-unit covers Owen's 'Exposure'...
Follower by Seamus Heaney
Follower This two-lesson mini-unit of work explores Seamus Heaney’s ‘Follower’ in detail. Designed to teach...
Hawk Roosting
Hawk Roosting - WJEC Eduqas GCSE Poetry This two-lesson mini-unit covers Ted Hughes’s ‘Hawk Roosting’...
I wanna be yours
I wanna be yours by John Cooper Clarke GCSE English Teaching Resources Reading >...
Island Man
English Teaching Resources: Island Man (Grace Nichols) is an excellent resource for teaching the poem...
Kamikaze by Beatrice Garland
Kamikaze - AQA GCSE Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology This two-lesson unit teaches students about...
Letters from Yorkshire
Letters From Yorkshire This two-lesson mini-unit covers Maura Dooley’s ‘Letters From Yorkshire’ in detail. Designed...
Living Space
GCSE English Teaching Resources: Living Space by Imtiaz Dharker (PowerPoint and worksheets) Living Space (40-slide...
London by William Blake
This two-lesson mini-unit covers William Blake's 'London' in detail. Designed for GCSE pupils studying AQA...
Love's Philosophy
Love’s Philosophy This two-lesson mini-unit covers Shelley’s ‘Love’s Philosophy’ in detail. Designed for GCSE pupils...
Mametz Wood
Mametz Wood Teaching Resources Mametz Wood by Owen Sheers (39-slide PowerPoint with 3 worksheets) is...
Mother, Any Distance
Mother, Any Distance (26-slide PowerPoint and 5 worksheets) This two-lesson mini unit enables GCSE students...
My Father Would Not Show Us
My Father Would Not Show Us by Ingrid de Kok teaching resource 38 slide fully...
My Last Duchess - AQA
My Last Duchess - AQA This two-lesson mini-unit covers Robert Browning's 'My Last Duchess' in...
My Last Duchess - Edexcel
My Last Duchess - Edexcel This two-lesson mini-unit covers Robert Browning's 'My Last Duchess' in...
FREE English Teaching Resources: Nettles (Vernon Scannell) A 38-slide PowerPoint analysis of the poem Nettles...
Neutral Tones - AQA
Neutral Tones - AQA This two-lesson mini-unit explores Thomas Hardy’s ‘Neutral Tones’ in detail. Designed...
Neutral Tones - Edexcel
Neutral Tones - Edexcel This two-lesson mini-unit explores Thomas Hardy’s ‘Neutral Tones’ in detail. Designed...
Nothing's Changed
Nothing’s Changed Nothing’s Changed by Tatamkhulu Afrika includes a wide range of activities for pupils...
One Flesh (Jennings)
One Flesh (Elizabeth Jennings) One Flesh (Elizabeth Jennings) is an English teaching resource made up of...
Ozymandias - AQA
Ozymandias (AQA) This two-lesson mini-unit covers Shelley’s ‘Ozymandias’ in detail. Designed for GCSE pupils studying...
Ozymandias - WJEC Eduqas
Ozymandias - WJEC / Eduqas This two-lesson mini-unit covers Shelley’s ‘Ozymandias’ in detail. Designed for...
Poppies by Jane Weir
Poppies - AQA GCSE Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology This two-lesson unit teaches students about...
Porphyria's Lover
Porphyria’s Lover is a differentiated two-lesson GCSE mini-unit that explores Robert Browning’s poem in detail....
Remains - AQA GCSE Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology This two-lesson mini-unit covers Simon Armitage's...
She Walks in Beauty
She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron She Walks in Beauty is a 34-slide PowerPoint-based...
Singh Song!
Singh Song! This two-lesson mini-unit covers Daljit Nagra’s ‘Singh Song!’ in detail. Designed for GCSE...
Sonnet 29 - I Think of Thee
'Sonnet 29 - I Think of Thee' contains a comprehensive 28-slide PowerPoint-based GCSE teaching resource...
Sonnet 43 Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sonnet 43 'How do I love thee' by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. A PowerPoint analysis of...
Storm on the Island
Storm on the Island - AQA GCSE Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology This two-lesson mini-unit...
The Charge of the Light Brigade
The Charge of the Light Brigade - AQA GCSE Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology This...
The Emigree
The Emigree - AQA GCSE Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology This two-lesson unit teaches students...
The Farmer's Bride
The Farmer's Bride by Charlotte Mew (18-slide editable PowerPoint-based teaching resource with 3 worksheets) Resource...
The Man He Killed (Hardy)
The Man He Killed The Man He Killed is an English/English Literature teaching resource made...
The Manhunt
The Manhunt - Conflict (WJEC/Eduqas) and Relationships (Edexcel) Poetry Anthology This two-lesson mini-unit covers Simon...
The Prelude - Stealing the Boat
The Prelude: Stealing the Boat This two-lesson mini-unit covers Wordsworth's 'Stealing the Boat' in detail....
The Soldier Rupert Brooke
The Soldier - GCSE War Poetry This two-lesson unit teaches students about Rupert Brooke's 'The...
Tissue by Imtiaz Dharker
Tissue - AQA GCSE Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology This two-lesson unit teaches students about...
To Autumn
GCSE English Teaching Resources: To Autumn by John Keats (PowerPoint and worksheets) To Autumn (51-slide...
Valentine Carol Ann Duffy
Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy A 35-slide editable PowerPoint-based GCSE teaching resource (with 5 worksheets)...
Walking Away
Walking Away This two-lesson mini-unit explores Cecil Day-Lewis's ‘Walking Away’ in detail. Designed for GCSE...
War Photographer
War Photographer - AQA GCSE Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology This two-lesson unit teaches students...
War Poetry Bundle
This war poetry bundle contains 10 resources which explore a range of war poems from...
War Poetry Resources Pack
English Teaching Resources: Conflict and War Poetry Pack. This outstanding resource covers 12 well known and...
When We Two Parted
When We Two Parted This two-lesson mini-unit of work explores Byron’s ‘When We Two Parted’...
Winter Swans
Winter Swans This two-lesson mini-unit explores Owen Sheer's ‘Winter Swans’ in detail. Designed for GCSE...
WJEC Eduqas GCSE Poetry Anthology Bundle
WJEC Eduqas GCSE Anthology Bundle This bundle contains 18 resources to help you teach the...
WJEC Eduqas GCSE Poetry Anthology Pack
WJEC Eduqas GCSE Poetry Anthology Pack This resource contains 18 individual teaching resources to help...
WJEC GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry - Foundation
WJEC GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry - Foundation WJEC GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry –...
WJEC GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry - Higher
WJEC GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry - Higher 'WJEC GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry –...