Eduqas GCSE English Language Exam Preparation Bundle - Paper 2
Eduqas GCSE English Language Paper 2 Bundle
(PowerPoint and worksheets teaching unit)
Eduqas GCSE English Paper 2 Bundle is a 193-slide PowerPoint teaching resource with 26 accompanying worksheets designed to help students prepare for Paper 2 of the Eduqas GCSE English Language examination.
Contents include:
- An introduction to the paper
- Example Section A texts using a C19th text from the American Civil War and a 2002 speech from Barack Obama
- Example exam questions with marks
- A breakdown of each question and advice and activities to help students answer each one
- Using and explaining textual references when answering complex Section A questions in detail
- Exploring the assessment objectives and how they are covered on the paper
- A step by step guide to achieving top marks on Sections A and B
- Exploring the writing questions in depth
- Understanding the importance of audience, purpose and format
- Writing to persuade and persuasive devices
- Making writing engaging for the reader and examiner
- Writing to argue – structure, language and devices
- Writing letters and articles
- How to build an argument
- Creating a leaflet and writing a speech
- Writing to advise
To preview Eduqas GCSE English Language Paper 2 Bundle in detail please click on the images opposite.
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