Dictionary Skills - Year 5 and 6 - teaching resource

Dictionary Skills - Year 5 and 6 Teaching Resources

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Dictionary Skills - Year 5 and 6

This PowerPoint explores dictionary skills as per the curriculum objective of the year 5 and 6 English programme of study (Writing - transcription). Content includes:

  1. What is alphabetical order explanation and activity with a worksheet
  2. Ordering words in alphabetical order explanation and activity with a worksheet
  3. Root words activity with a worksheet
  4. Definitions activity with a worksheet
  5. Abbreviations activity with a worksheet
  6. Origins of words activity with a worksheet
  7. Placing words in alphabetical order and then finding their definitions in the dictionary activity with worksheet
  8. 1 further worksheet

'Dictionary Skills - Year 5 and 6' is fully editable allowing teachers to adapt the resource if needed to suit each class they teach.

To preview 'Dictionary Skills - Year 5 and 6 click on the images opposite.

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