Avatar (Media Film Texts) - teaching resource
English Teaching Resources: Avatar (Film & Media Texts) is a progressive resource featuring a series of lessons designed to enhance and develop pupil knowledge and understanding of film and media texts. English Teaching Resources: Avatar (Film and Media Texts) uses James Cameron's movie Avatar as a basis for studying a film text. The resource covers the key areas required by the National Curriculum and includes a range of activities for pupils of all abilities:
Exploration of Avatar's opening sequence
Film Techniques - voiceover, colour, storytelling, setting, flashback, camera angles, etc
Character representation and development
Themes and motifs
Language and dialogue
Avatar Essay with guidance notes
Aims and objectives overview
Video links - Avatar movie trailer and DVD bonus features
58 slide PowerPoint
20 page worksheet booklet
Teachers' notes
English Teaching Resources: Avatar (Film and Media Texts) is a detailed and engaging unit of work and an excellent introduction to the study of media and film texts.
To preview English Teaching Resources: Avatar (Film and Media Texts) click on the images from the PowerPoint lessons.
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