A Christmas Carol - Stave One - The Rich and the Poor - teaching resource
A Christmas Carol - Stave One - The Rich and the Poor
(13-slide PowerPoint teaching resource with 2 worksheets)
This resource for KS4/GCSE enables learners to explore Dickens’ presentation of the gap between the rich and the poor in an extract from Stave One of A Christmas Carol.
Contents include:
A differentiated 'Do Now' starter activity, in which learners reflect on the significance of six quotations from Scrooge’s earlier dialogue with the charity collectors.
After this, learners will read from ‘Meanwhile, the fog and darkness thickened so…’ down to ‘…to play at blindman’s buff’. As they read, learners will consider the differences between the lives of the rich and the poor in the passage and how Dickens presents these differences. At the highest level, learners will reflect on Dickens’ use of light and dark imagery in the extract.
The next activity is for learners to contemplate the significance of the excerpt from ‘God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen’ and how Dickens adapts it in Stave One.
The lesson concludes with learners summarising the events of the passage in no more than 20, 15 or 10 words.
All tasks are accompanied by a set of suggested answers.
To preview GCSE English Teaching Resources: A Christmas Carol - Stave One - The Rich and the Poor click on the images from the PowerPoint presentation.
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